Confirmation (6th-8th Grade)

August 28 = Orientation (6:00 PM)

September 4 = Confirmation Classes Resume (6:00 - 7:30 PM)

September 18 = Fellowship (7:30 - 8:30 PM)

October 11-12 = Fall Retreat


Home Huddles

(Click on the lessons below to download the accompanying Home Huddle)

Home Huddle is meant to be an opportunity for families to talk about the faith together. Scripture and multiple research studies affirm that parents and grandparents are the #1 faith role models in a child’s life. We know life is busy, but we still encourage families to take time to grow in faith together. Complete/talk through the ‘Faith 5’ (Share, Read, Talk, Pray, Bless) in each Home Huddle as a family. Then sign and return the page at the beginning of next class.

    Ten Commandments  Lord's Prayer Hot Topics  
    1. Gods and Idols 1. Our Father 1. Worldview/Identity  
    2. Name in Vain 2. Hallowed 2. Technology and Media  
    3. Sabbath 3. Kingdom Come 3. Mental Health  
    4. Honoring Parents 4. Will Be Done 4. LGBTQ+  
    5. Killing 5. Daily Bread 5. Body is a Temple  
    6. Adultery 6. Forgive Us 6. God and Science  
    7. Stealing 7. Time of Trial 7. Faiths of the World  
    8. False Witness 8. Deliver Us from Evil 8. Suicide  
    9. Coveting   9. Sex and Love  
    10. Commandment Review   10. Ask Pastor  


Click on the links below to access the listed resource

Class Calendar

Confirmation Handbook

Community Service Opportunities

8th Grade Faith Sponsor Overview





First Communion

Students in are welcome to take Communion at any time following an intentional period of instruction. (Completing the Rite of Confirmation in 8th grade is not necessary to come to the Table!). 

Interested families can work through the packet and activities at home: First Communion

Following completion of the packet, schedule a meeting with a Pastor/DCE to review the materials and then be welcomed to partake in the Sacrament of the Altar. 



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